A recruitment agency is a well-known term on the labour market. The importance and contribution of agencies is also important in times of a generally positive mood in the labour market. Unemployment is falling and companies have a shortage of quality job candidates available.
The days when an employer could choose from dozens of quality candidates are, at least for the moment, behind us.
For companies, finding an employee who meets the more stringent criteria at this time is a complex and time-consuming process with an uncertain ending.
The days when an employer could choose from dozens of quality candidates are, at least for the moment, behind us.
Let us also look at the situation of the applicants. They have more employment opportunities. They choose offers that are financially motivating for them and prefer companies with a rich system of benefits.
Finding the right candidate is a big challenge for companies. It often happens that they simply can’t find a suitable candidate or no one responds to their job advert.
This is where a recruitment agency comes into play and is a big help. The latter still has plenty of quality applicants in its databases. For the agency, finding the right candidate is at the heart of its work. A good recruiter dedicates several hours every day to this activity.
The advantage of using the services of a recruitment agency is that it “pre-screens” the candidates in advance. First, a telephone interview takes place. This is followed by a face-to-face meeting where the recruiter asks the candidate for details and information relevant to the employer.
If there is a match between the requirements of the company and the candidate, the interview comes directly between them. The recruitment agency no longer intervenes in this process. He is only in the position of a consultant and expert advisor.
If the candidate is successful, a contract is signed and the agency receives a fee from the company. There is still a perception among some jobseekers that there will be a cost to getting a job. Of course this is not true. The agency also does not take a percentage of the new employee’s salary, as is sometimes misrepresented.
So let’s summarize the benefits of a recruitment agency for companies and candidates.
– The entire selection process is in the hands of the agency. If it does not find a suitable candidate, it will not receive a placement fee. Therefore, understanding the client’s needs and requirements for a candidate is extremely important.
– Saving time and money.
– The agency has a quality database of job seekers.
– If the recruiter is experienced, he or she can quickly select a quality candidate and connect him or her with the employer’s needs.