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Facts about mental health in the workplace

In the current situation, it is nice and welcome to hear that a colleague, acquaintance, or family member is healthy. But few ask if he is okay mentally as well. Mental problems, depression or anxiety interfere significantly with working life and therefore the topic will be dealt with in this article.

Almost 15% of people reported suffering from psychological problems in the workplace. Such an employee may show less productivity or concentration for some time. The problem arises if the problem is not addressed or gets worse over time. It is necessary to talk to them sensitively, empathetically and, above all, to catch the problem as soon as possible.

The mental adjustment of colleagues at work even affects the number of sick days.

The mental adjustment of colleagues at work even affects the number of sick days. In the UK, research has come out showing that up to 12.7% of sick days can be attributed to mental health conditions.

Women employed full-time are almost twice as likely as men employed full-time to have a common mental health problem.

Depression and anxiety have a significant economic impact. The estimated cost to the global economy is $1 trillion a year in lost productivity.

Conversely, 86% of employees who are treated for depression report an increase in their productivity.

A WHO-led study estimated that for every $1 invested in treating common mental disorders, $4 is returned in improved health and productivity.

This data can be very helpful for HR departments of Slovak companies. An occupational psychologist can give employees the attention they need and help with problem solving.

In 2019, a survey was conducted on a sample of 1,500 people. More than a third of respondents said they had left their job partly because of their mental health. Of those, 59 per cent said mental health was the main reason.

We know how to identify psychological discomfort in employees and how to work with it. Write to us.

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